December Newsletter
This newsletter contains important information, so please read carefully. SC45800890723121111480.pdf
November Newsletter
The calendar for the next few weeks is filled with a multitude of camps, field trips and school activities. SC45800890723112310430.pdf
October Newsletter
Term 4 is an extremely busy time of year for everyone, we aim to be busy and productive right until the end. Enjoy your long
September Newsletter
It’s hard to believe we are approaching the end of term 3. Our attention is now firmly on our official school opening next week. We
1st August Newsletter
It has been a great start to the term with little disruption, it allows us to focus firmly on teaching and learning. SC45800890723080114220.pdf
Newsletter 23 June 2023
It’s nearly the end of term! The primary school have been working hard preparing for their production next week. SC45800890723062310420.pdf