Our uniform supplier is NZ Uniforms in Dunedin.
Secondary Uniform list (website) 2025.pdf
Uniform Policy:
- No suede, skate or gym shoes can be worn for students of Year 9 to 13
- Shoulder length hair should be tied back and off the face in Science and Technology Classes and under Staff direction
- Boys must be clean shaven
- Hair must be clean and in a natural colour range
- Jewellery – watch, sleepers or small studs (max 2)
- No facial piercings
- Any jewellery that has a medical, spiritual or cultural significance must be worn as a necklace and have minimal visibility
- Makeup is not permitted, apart from the use of a moderate concealer for students of Year 9 up
- No nail polish is to be worn
- PE Uniform is a requirement for students from Year 7 to 13. Students are required to change for PE classes.